Private pilates:
Single – Duet – Trio Sessions
Our Private Pilates Programs range from athletic and rehabilitative to recruitment of core strength and balance, proprioception and body awareness. See below a sampling of the plethora of our offerings.
“We will meet you where you are.”
-Michaela Purnell, Founder, EYRT 200, Pilates Instructor
Pilates for Total Hip Replacement (THR) Recovery
Our comprehensive Private Pilates Program for Total Hip Replacement Recovery customizes sessions for each client based on their current circumstance and ultimate goals. By focusing on core stability, hip range of motion, gluteal strengthening and conditioning, the client finds freedom in movement and can return to their lifestyle.
‘’As a physical therapist, I am so impressed with how efficient each session is @ SUKHA and how much work is achieved in such a concentrated amount of time. It has become an excellent rehab following my Total Hip procedure.’’ – Cindy B
For more info on THR Pilates, please view this video
Pilates for Neurological Disorders (MS & RA)

These private sessions focus on adapting Pilates Reformer classes for individuals with multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis. As a client with a unique set of needs, the instructor will determine what regimen of exercises will be best suited to help improve your condition. What you can expect: physical therapy-approved equipment and techniques, attentiveness to your symptoms and medical history, a personal assistant to guide and stabilize you through the exercises, and a unique plan to help recondition and strengthen your body.
A Private Pilates client w/MS who has segued into group reformer classes.
‘I’m so grateful that my friend Debbie invited me to Sukha. The owner, Michaela, has created a calm, nurturing, and accommodating environment in her studio. I have MS, however, I’m able to participate in a Pilates class and focus on what I can do instead of what I can’t. I leave every session feeling more fluidity in my body and a true sense of well-being. You will love Sukha Studio!’ – Kelly R
Please visit this link for more info on Pilates for MS
For more info on how Pilates aids RA symptoms, read this article
Pilates for Osteoporosis
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the two most vital exercises in maintaining and building bone density are those that are weight-bearing, and those that are muscle-strengthening. In Pilates for Osteoporosis, your instructor will not only focus on these two types of exercises, but balance will also play a key role in your routine since fracture-causing falls can disrupt activities of daily living for a stretch of time. In a safe environment, you can expect sets of resistance exercises that are light-to-moderate in weight, and strengthening exercises that focus on your joints, help you balance, and develop your center of gravity.
For more info on Pilates for Osteoporosis, please view this video
The two photos below demonstrate our approach to treat Osteoporosis

Spinal Extension
Our Osteoporosis / Osteopenia Program promotes skeletal health by focusing on spinal extension, strength exercises, and balance throughout the body to improve your axial and appendicular frame and lower your risk for falls.

Pilates Jumpboard
“The jumpboard can be used for those with a variety of ailments, like osteoporosis, as this workout is good for bone-building. Clients with any type of knee or ankle issues will see tremendous improvement while working with the jumpboard, because the non-gravitational nature of jumping in the supine position means that less stress is placed on the joints. not only is postural supervision possible, it is also easier for the clients to maintain correct alignment in the supine than during upright jumping. ” -Balanced Body
Pilates for Pregnancy

The experts at Sukha will understand that as your body is changing through trimesters, different Pilates exercises will be ideal while some should be avoided. Your instructor will be able to guide you through a pregnancy that focuses on balance and strength. As your pregnancy progresses, we will know how to adapt your routine for your baby’s comfort and for your safety–avoiding positions lying prone or supine, and emphasizing kneeling, standing, side-lying, and sitting exercises to protect your back and stomach muscles and continue strengthening your body and building your balance.
“I have been doing Pilates for more than twenty years. Because I have also been a practicing obstetric physician for more than two decades, I have come to believe that Pilates is the best possible method of exercise and relaxation for women who are pregnant.” —Dr. Uzzi Reis
Pilates for Spinal Alignment Disorders

In our Pilates for Spinal Alignment Disorders class, we accept kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis clients who want to strengthen their core abdominal and back muscles, realign their spine, and improve their overall posture. A postural analysis before beginning one-on-one classes is highly recommended to get the most out of the adaptive Pilates class. Be prepared to do exercises that focus on squaring your shoulders and hips, extending your neck and back, and strengthening your stomach and pelvic floor.
For more info on Pilates for Kyphosis, view this video